The EyeVision image processing software contains commands that enable communication and control of a universal robot. No complex programming is necessary, as one command is sufficient to send the required tasks to the robot. The numerous commands of the EyeVision software make RobotVision solutions in 2D, 3D or even thermal imaging cameras in combination with a UR robot considerably easier. Tasks such as picking containers can therefore be solved with just a few clicks of the mouse. The integration of a robot works as follows: A component and its specific alignment are taught in. The EyeVision software now recognizes every component that is positioned in the same way and sends the position of the objects to the robot via a UR command. The robot can now locate, grip and pick up the objects. With the UR command it is also possible to carry out an automatic inspection of the components in different phases. The EyeVision software then sends the robot the position at which the camera should check next. The robot then moves the sensor into this position, where an image is recorded and then evaluated by the software. This process is very quick as it only takes a few milliseconds. Due to the enormous compatibility of our EyeVision software, you can use any 3D sensor, color or gray image camera, as well as some thermal and hyperspectral cameras. In addition, the EyeVision UR support offers you easy access to RobotVision solutions. As a user, you can even choose between using a PC, an embedded or an intelligent camera system for your image processing task.